Organiser: Miguel Angel Marquina / IT | |
January 24 |
D-Wave's Approach to Quantum Computing: 1000-qubits and Counting!
Colin Williams, D-Wave Systems Inc. CERN Colloquium |
January 31 |
How to Avoid Browser Warnings with HTTPS
Jeff Barto and Dave Corbett- Symantec Website Security Webinar @16hrs CET |
February 10 |
Abuse, Blunder & Fun
Stefan Lueders, CERN-IT IT Technical Forum |
February 24 |
Prometheus: a next-generation monitoring system
Fabian Reinartz, CoreOS |
March 9 |
Introduction to concurrent throughput-oriented programming with ReactiveX
Kirk Shoop, Microsoft Corp. ReactiveX in practice (workshop-style session) Kirk Shoop et al Software Technology Forum |
March 20 |
25 Years of Octave: Recent Developments and Future Directions
John W. Eaton, GNU Octave project CERN Computing Colloquium |
March 23 |
DevOops Redux
Chris Gates and Ken Johnson, Security consultants |
March 28 |
HSF Workshop on Visualization Tools (March 28-30)
Riccardo Maria Bianchi (convenor), ATLAS |
March 30 |
The Future is (Almost) Here
David Rusling, Linaro |
March 31 |
UNOSAT at CERN – 15 years of satellite imagery support to the humanitarian and development community
Einar Bjorgo, UNITAR Science and Society |
April 6 |
Cyber Situational Awareness and FortiSIEM
Fortinet Webinar @11:30 CET |
April 7 |
The Qt Development Roadmap
Artem Sidyakin and Petya Rudloff, The Qt Company |
May 3 |
State of security in Elasticsearch
Simone Scarduzio, ReadonlyREST project |
May 12 |
Report on the HEPiX Spring 2017 Workshop
Jerome Belleman et al, CERN-IT IT Technical Forum |
May 16 |
Computing Challenges of the Square Kilometre Array
Nick Rees, SKA Organisation CERN Computing Colloquium |
June 1 |
Ransomware: Trick or treat
Sergio Alves Domingues (CTO), SCRT - Information Security |
June 13 |
Cloud adoption and trading applications at Morgan Stanley
Luke Thompson, Dov Katz and Lilla Meszaros, Morgan Stanley |
June 15 |
Overview and Status of the Ceph File System
Patrick Donnelly, Red Hat |
July 20 |
Trustworthy Critical Infrastructures via Physics-Aware Just-Ahead-Of-Time Verification
Dr. Saman Zonouz, 4N6 Cyber Security and Forensics Laboratory |
July 25 |
Scale challenges of the MeerKAT Radio Telescope
Simon Ratcliffe and Thomas Bennett, SKA South Africa |
September 14 |
CAPES: Unsupervised Storage Performance Tuning Using Neural Network-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning
Ethan L Miller, University of California, Santa Cruz |
September 25 |
Internet voting by CHvote: lessons learnt and future work
Thomas Hofer, DSE Etat de Genève |
October 2 |
Reproducible Research Data Analyses using the Common Workflow Language standards
Michael R. Crusoe, CWL project |
October 5 |
Spring 5 & reactive streams
Brian Clozel and Sébastien Deleuze, Pivotal |
October 23 |
Application deployment, from 0 to Production
4th Developers@CERN Forum |
October 31 |
FPGA Compute Acceleration for High-Throughput Data Processing in High-Energy Physics Experiments
Christian Faerber, LHCb Collaboration |
November 2 |
Data-Driven Education: Technologies and Directions
Dr. Rakesh Agrawal, EPFL Lausanne Academic Training |
November 9 |
Concurrency at work with Go
Francesc Campoy, source{d} |
November 17 |
Report on the HEPiX Fall 2017 Workshop
Jerome Belleman et al, CERN-IT IT Technical Forum |
November 24 |
Cloud services for education: Up2University Project at CERN/IT and UniGE Physiscope
Margherita Boselli, University of Geneva - Enrico Bocchi and Jakub Moscicki, CERN-IT IT Technical Forum |
November 27 |
DataFlow SuperComputing for BigData Analytics
Prof.Veljko Milutinovic, University of Belgrade, Serbia |
December 1 |
BioDynaMo: Biological simulation in the cloud
Ahmad Hesam and Lukas Breitwieser, CERN openlab IT Technical Forum |
December 8 |
A Multi-Science Data Analysis Platform and the GeneROOT Use Case
Fons Rademakers and Taghi Aliyev, CERN openlab IT Technical Forum |