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CERN Computing Seminar

Next generation hyper-scale software and hardware systems for big data analytics

by Rich Friedrich (HP Labs)

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre (CERN)

31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre


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Building on foundational technologies such as many-core systems, non-volatile memories and photonic interconnects, we describe some current technologies and future research to create real-time, big data analytics, IT infrastructure. We will also briefly describe some of our biologically-inspired software and hardware architecture for creating radically new hyper-scale cognitive computing systems.

About the speaker

Rich Friedrich is the director of Strategic Innovation and Research Services (SIRS) at HP Labs. In this strategic role, he is responsible for research investments in nano-technology, exascale computing, cyber security, information management, cloud computing, immersive interaction, sustainability, social computing and commercial digital printing.

Rich's philosophy is to fuse strategy and inspiration to create compelling capabilities for next generation information devices, systems and services. Using essential insights gained from the metaphysics of innnovation, he effectively leads multi-disciplinary, globally distributed teams that have created several industry leading information technology products and services.

Specialties: big data analytics, cognitive systems, cloud computing, open innovation, technical leadership, internet services, technology evangelist

More at his HP Labs profile and LinkedIn

Organised by: Patrick Demichel/HP and Miguel Angel Marquina
Computing Seminars /IT Department

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Video in CDS