Computing Seminar

    25 June 2001  
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New Features in Oracle 9i

Geoff Lee, Oracle Corporation

Date: Monday, 25 June 2001: Part 1: 14 hrs, Part 2: 16 hrs
Place: IT Auditorium, bdg. 31, 3-005
Organiser: J. Shiers, IT/DB


The launch of Oracle 9i, the latest release of Oracle's Object-Relational Database management system, will take place during the Oracle OpenWorld conference in Berlin June 18 - 21. These two seminars, based upon presentations from OpenWorld, cover new features in Oracle 9i in its support for XML, Java and C++. Copies of the OpenWorld abstracts are included below.

Oracle9i has rapidly evolved into a database for all your data, from simple to complex types. Multimedia data types such as images, maps, video clips and audio clips are now common in many Web-based applications. Other software solutions also need to store data dealing with complex financial instruments, engineering diagrams or molecular structures. With Oracle9i, Oracle is completing the database object-relational vision by supporting full object modeling capabilities, including inheritance and multilevel collections, with type evolution capabilities. This session presents the latest object-relational advances, focusing on the core server features at a simple conceptual level and on the various language interfaces useful for manipulating server objects. The session also discusses component frameworks, SQL:1999, emerging W3C XML standards, how they map to these advances and more.

New in Oracle9i, Oracle C++ Call Interface (OCCI) is a better OCI (Oracle Call Interface) for C++ programmers. With a extensive collection of easy-to-use C++ classes and templates, OCCI provides high-performance and comprehensive C++ interface to powerful Oracle9i object-relational and relational database features. OCCI is based on the most recent C++ standard along with its Standard Template Library (STL). In addition, the OTT (Object Type Translator) utility has also been enhanced to generate C++ interface classes from user-defined types in the database to greatly simplify the development task. Attendees will learn to use OCCI for developing high-performance database applications.


About the speaker: Geoff Lee is Product Manager for Oracle9i

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