Computing Seminar

    12 September 2000  

"What is all this excitement about the Higgs boson ?"

Tiziano Camporesi, CERN/EP

Date: Tuesday, 12 September 2000, 11 hrs
Place: IT Auditorium, bdg. 31, 3-005
Organiser: L. Pregernig, IT/CE


The speaker will at first explain why the whole high-energy-physics community seeks so desperately something with such a strange name as "Higgs Boson". Then he will try to give a flavor of how this "beast" might show up in experiments and how physicists attempt to "corner" it. Finally, the speaker will discuss the evidence from LEP experiments.

Tiziano will give a pedagogical seminar, for an audience with a general scientific background.

To: Seminar agenda, Home of IT Division