Title: The Workbook Approach:
Getting New Users Up to Speed in a HEP Offline Environment.
Speaker: Joseph Perl / SLAC
Date : Wednesday 1 September 1999 at 16:00hrs
Place : IT Auditorium, bldg 31/3-005
Organiser: G.Folger / IT


The Workbook approach is an efficient way to introduce members of a HEP collaboration to their collaboration's offline environment. It was first developed in SLD where offline experts were losing too much time on individual user assistance. The approach was extremely successful there and has since been replicated for BaBar.

Information is presented in the form of a workbook, a connected series of exercises. Imagine the world of offline software as a workshop full of tools. The workbook has the user pick up each tool in turn, do something simple and useful with that tool, and then put that tool down and move on to the next.

The Workbook for BaBar Offline Users
The Workbook for SLD Offline Users