Title: The use of Globus for heterogeneous and distributed applications
Speakers: Giovanni Aloisio, Paolo Falabella/ISUFI-University of Lecce
Date : Wednesday 1 December 1999 at 16:00hrs
Place : IT Auditorium, bldg 31/3-005
Organiser: F.Gagliardi / IT


The Globus project is developing basic software infrastructure for computations that integrate geographically distributed computational and information resources. Globus is a joint project of Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Southern California's Information Sciences Institute. Led by Ian Foster and Carl Kesselman, it is the work of a talented project team at Argonne, USC/ISI, and the Aerospace Corporation, with significant contributions also being made by other partners. The talk will show how Globus can be used for the management of on-line scientific data archives and for their on-demand remote processing. Other Globus key points, as the secure management of distributed heterogeneous resources and the mapping of high level user requests into low-level systems procedures, will be described. In the talk we will also present how the Globus functionality is used in the SARA project (a joint project between CACR/Caltech and the HPC Lab/University of Lecce,, whose goal is to develop a Dynamic Earth Observation System (DEOS).

Speakers' Profile

Giovanni Aloisio

Giovanni Aloisio is Associate Professor of Information Processing Systems and Director of the High Performance Computing Laboratory of the Department of Innovation Engineering (University of Lecce/ISUFI, Italy). His research interests include parallel and distributed computer architectures. Since 1986 to 1990 he contributed to the Caltech Concurrent Computation Program (C3P) led by Geoffrey C. Fox at the California Institute of Technology, investigating the efficiency of the Hypercube architecture in Real-Time SAR data processing. Actually he collaborates with the Center for Advanced Computing Research (CACR) of the California Institute of Technology on High Performance Distributed Computing projects. He also collaborates with Carl Kesselman of the Information Sciences Institute, on the use of "Computational Grids" for the management of "large collections of scientific data".

Paolo Falabella

Paolo Falabella is a member of the High Performance Computing Lab of the University of Lecce/ISUFI, Italy. In July 1999 he graduated "cum laude" in Computer Engineering with Prof. G. Aloisio. His thesis was a study of the use of the GLOBUS toolkit to build a web-based environment for the processing on demand of EOS images. He has been training on Globus with Prof. Carl Kesselman at the Information Sciences Institute of Marina del Rey (Los Angeles, California).