Title : Conference summary reports for ICALEPCS97
Speakers : CERN controls experts
Date : Thursday 5 February 1998 at 9:30 *****
Place : IT Auditorium, bldg 31/3-005
Organiser : G.Folger / IT

****** Please note unusual DAY and TIME *****


The International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems (ICALEPCS97) was held in Beijing in November 1997 .

ICALEPCS97 covered the field of controls of particle accelerators, particle detectors, telescopes and nuclear fusion devices with a strong emphasis on engineering aspects.

During this seminar summary reports will be given by some CERN's controls experts who attended the conference . This should allow those control experts who did not attend the conference and who are involved in the design of new control systems to hear about the new trends in the field of controls addressed at this conference.

Eight technical topics were selected, they will be presented and discussed as follows: