Quantum Technology Initiative Journal Club

513/R-070 - Openlab Space (CERN)

513/R-070 - Openlab Space


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Michele Grossi (CERN)

Weekly Journal Club meetings organised in the framework of the CERN Quantum Technology Initiative (QTI) to present and discuss scientific papers in the field of quantum science and technology. The goal is to help researchers keep track of current findings and walk away with ideas for their own research. Some previous knowledge of quantum physics would be helpful, but is not required to follow the talks.

To propose a paper for discussion, contact: michele.grossi@cern.ch

Quantum Technology Initiative Journal Club
Zoom Meeting ID
Michele Grossi
Alternative host
Su Yeon Chang
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    • 16:00 17:00
      Quantum Technologies Need a Quantum Energy Initiative

      Quantum technologies are currently the object of high expectations from governments and private companies, as they hold the promise to shape safer and faster ways to extract, exchange, and treat information. However, despite its major potential impact for industry and society, the question of their energetic footprint has remained in a blind spot of current deployment strategies. In this Perspective, I argue that quantum technologies must urgently plan for the creation and structuration of a transverse quantum energy initiative, connecting quantum thermodynamics, quantum information science, quantum physics, and engineering. Such an initiative is the only path towards energy-efficient, sustainable quantum technologies, and to possibly bring out an energetic quantum advantage.

      For more details, visit: https://journals.aps.org/prxquantum/abstract/10.1103/PRXQuantum.3.020101

      Conveners: Alice Barthe (Leiden University (NL)), Dr Michele Grossi (CERN), Dr Robert Whitney